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Family Life Center

Building Fund

The Family Life Center Building Fund aims to provide a home to Mt. Zion's long-running community programs, which are now housed under

MTZ Charitable Organization, Inc.


MTZ Charitable Organization, Inc. promotes academic enrichment for school-age youth, improves community access to healthy food, provides mental health wellness and counseling services, and offers programs and activities for senior citizens.​

Lifting Our Community

The upcoming Family Life Center will enhance our capacity to effectively tackle pressing health issues, social obstacles, and unmet requirements in the neighboring South Madison community. This Center will serve as an inclusive and convenient community space for the entire community, enabling individuals of all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and income levels to participate, connect, and thrive for generations to come.


Make a difference by giving to support the Family Life Center and MTZ Charitable Organization, Inc.

Pray With Us

Your prayers for a successful campaign are important. Together, we lift up the following prayer.


God of light,​ We thank you for enlightening our path that has led us to this day, as we envision what this place may become. Thank you for the vision and the hope that we can be to the world. We ask that as we continue to plan for the future, we hear clearly your voice coming through. Enable us to continue to be a place that is welcoming... a place that is full of grace...a place that is a light on the hill. We ask you to abide with us during this campaign so that we may accomplish our plans to build this Family Life Center.


In Christ’s name,



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(608) 255-5270


2019 Fisher St,

Madison, WI 53713

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